
For several years Armani has approached the SAP world by implementing the FMS (Fashion Management System) solution. Our team, thanks to the consolidated experience in this sector, has supported the customer by implementing the different phases of his processes. Based on the client's binding needs, a specific procedure and report have been implemented in order to manage the customer financial documents.


Furthermore, a series of complex tools dedicated to the order portfolio massive management and to the shipping documents management have been implemented.


CAR Product is a big enhancement of the POSDM (Point of Sales Data Management) which was into BW in the past. SAP moved to a dedicated product in order to fulfil the requests coming from customers, especially from the Fashion ones and/or who had physical store.

POSDM move to CAR (Customer Activity Repository). In the first phase Armani took all the receipts coming from stores and moved the into CAR firstly and later into FMS. The communication is done using IDOCs, both from store to CAR and from CAR to FMS. In the FMS system are done goods movements, the POS Sales Memo and the Means of Payment.

Then CAR moved to CARAB, means that some new functionality have been added and more precisely APR (Assortment Planning for Retail) and AMR (Allocation Management for Retail). Both, combining data coming from POSDM, are able to do assortment lists for the store according also with some custom rules (i.e. store size, position, etc etc). The assortment lists create, in this case, PIR in FMS. Later, AMR is in charge to allocate goods starting from assortment lists. The first phase is the “Initial allocation”, then we could have “In season fill-in” and the “In season manual push”. These last processes allow users to send new items to stores automatically according rules or manual.


In addition to the essentially project activities we support Armani with first level AMS, responding directly to the business operational requirements.