

Trafilspec-ITS is a company specialized in the field of cold working of steel and is located in Castelmarte (CO).
They are equipped with modern and qualified equipment which allows to obtain high quality and precision products; furthermore, they are the first in Europe to have the STC kiln (Short Time Cycle) which allows high quality standards in terms of structure homogeneity and total absence of decarburization. The main businesses of the company are the automotive, hand tools and medical sectors.


The strong growth of TFS and the need to have a structured management system to support the business processes has led the company to review the IT architecture by focusing on SAP as ERP (S/4 Cloud). In fact, Constep's support is for a greenfield project. Constep was responsible for implementing the areas that refer to sales, purchasing, logistics, production and quality.


The project consists of 5 main macro-phases: organizational setting of the project, business blue print, implementation, user training and final preparation of the system, management of the start of the system in the production environment; this project serves to define standardized processes that users will have to use to manage their business processes.